Monday, August 12, 2013

A moment of Reflection


1.       Practice the universal Loving Kindness (meditation) exercise on p. 93.

May all individuals gain freedom from suffering

May all individuals find sustained health, happiness and wholeness

May I assist all individuals in gaining freedom from suffering

May I assist all individuals in finding health, happiness, and wholeness.

 When I started this exercise, at first I felt it was ridiculous to even do it, but after a few minutes, I started reflecting on what I was saying and I felt a sense of calmness.  Something came to my sub-conscious mind, just few days back, we lost one of colleague at the job, she was a quiet, not much of a talker kind of person, she had a condition that finally took and she left behind a 2yr old child, husband and the sad part was that she just celebrated her 2yrs wedding anniversary and so she pass suddenly. This news brought tears to everyone in the clinic. It brought me a sense of sincerity, and a sense of compassion for people that had in some ways hurt me, with this exercise, though frustrating at the beginning made me to understand that I am me and so I must learn to love, irrespective of who have hurt me or what I have gone through, but first, I must love me and then show it to others as well. Hatred is like a can that is placed in a hot place and it is only a matter of time, before it pops. I sensed an overwhelming peace came upon me and for the first time, I began to let my anger, pain and vengeance roll out me. The bible says “ owe no man, but love”  Imagine an insignificant exercise practice can have an effect on me. I intend to continue with this exercise and hoping that it continues to have the same effect that I felt on Saturday. Love someone, even if they don’t deserve it.


2.       Complete the Integral Assessment discussed in chapter 11 (p.115).

I discovered that  after completing the integral assessment, I came to the understanding that  there has to be a balance in everything we do, be it our spiritual, psychosocial and biological aspect of life. I am known to hurde shoes and clothes, even my children have so much stuff, I begin to see it as a sin to acquire all these things, just to please self. The bible said “it is blessed to give than to receive” so I am most of my stuff will be heading to needy. Look at people that are without and be  a blessing.


3.       Activities that I can incorporate that will foster greatness to my wellbring would be mediation, yoga, reading my bible and listening to tapes that will encourage me to be a better person. Also walking around my neighborhood had given me an opportunity ( alone time) to reflect and also good decisions that I made stemmed from taking this walks.




  1. You have a very cool blog! I also felt ridiculous doing the exercises. But when I continued the exercises (I DID have to stop and restart again because I wasn't focused), it really did help me center. I am also trying to maintain yoga--it helps me concentrate!

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog. I do the same thing like yoga for relaxing, reading bible to make me a better person. I go for walk when I am with my friends or fiance, it makes me feel entertainment. lol


  3. Okay, needed tissues after reading the first paragraph!

